I just wanted to share a very quick thought before bedtime. One of our most underrated faculties is the power of our subconscious mind over our lives. In many ways, we are the sum of all of our habits. If we found a way to form habits that breed success, then we will be more successful in life.
For example, if we made it a habit to work out every day then we would be instilling successful patterns of behavior that will make us feel healthy, and eventually happy. What happens is as we continue to push ourselves to work out, we are forming neural pathways that effect our subconscious mind. Eventually, and we won’t even realize this until it actually happens, we will be working out one day and not even know how it happened!
But the power on our subconscious mind will be profound.
The reason why I bring this is up is because once we understand how powerful the subconscious mind is we can use it to our advantage. Which is why it is beneficial for us to think positively before bed. Because the thoughts you think right before bedtime are easily imprinted in your subconscious mind.
And so as you are about to fall sleep, spend about 5 minutes thinking about your ideal life. Where do you want to live? How much do you want to have? What does your ideal day look like?
If you think about these thoughts, and smile as you are feeling the feelings of abundance before bedtime, then you will manifest your thoughts and feelings. The longer you do it the more likely it is it will happen. And then you can move onto bigger and better positive dreams!